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时间 : 2023-04-11 10:42:28   来源 : 国际教育网





如今,借用“liminality”一词来说明当下的社会境况再适合不过,现在每个人都是越界人(liminal people),活在时代更替的夹缝中。



每个人都应以积极的态度看待这些 (Linimal) 时刻,努力利用它们提供的机会,开发新的技能和知识,培养韧性和适应性,并紧跟新出现的趋势和机遇,才能在这些临界时期中茁壮成长。

4月12日,19:00 美高学校系列云端讲座,Chatgpt时代,规划未来领导者之路,请关注LWSuzhou美高视频号。


















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In a world where technology is constantly being developed and consumption is constantly being upgraded, some of the very significant boundaries of human life are becoming increasingly blurred. Since the official launch of ChatGPT in November last year, the OpenAI team has been updating AI products and technologies faster than anyone could have imagined. After the announcement of the more powerful GPT-4 not long ago, the networked version of ChatGPT has arrived, leaving no time for the competition to breathe. Nowadays, the term "liminality" is the perfect word to describe the current social situation, where everyone is a liminal person, living in the gap between changing times. This experience of liminality is shared by countless groups and individuals around the world who are affected by technology and media, whose identities are ambiguous, who experience life and work mobility, and who feel intergenerational shocks.

2023, Focus on the future and embrace change: everyone should look at these (Linimal) times in a positive light, strive to take advantage of the opportunities they offer, develop new skills and knowledge, develop resilience and adaptability, and keep up with emerging trends and opportunities in order to thrive in these critical periods. 12 April, 19:00 LWS Cloud Lecture Series, Chatgpt Times and charting the path of future leaders, follow the LWSuzhou美高 video.

What a future leader looks like

Qingming is an important festival in China, and when our ancestors are worshipped, it often comes with a slight sense of sadness. This is also a time when the subject of how to explain the soul and death to children is an unavoidable one. At the same time, as children get older, usually by the age of about 5, most children will naturally

LWS believes that the purpose of education is to develop the future leaders of a nation"s society. Mr Fong, the founder of LWS, once said that a person who can truly be a future leader of the country, society and even the world must have four competencies.

The first is that his performance must be brilliant;

The second is that he must have a habit and ability to take the initiative and love learning;

The third is his ability to turn language into a very effective communication tool for him;

The fourth is that he must be empathetic.

think about the subject of the soul and life.

"To Mr. Fong, empathy means eight words -"Empathy is like a spring breeze.

If a child makes people around him feel like being with him and feel "like a spring breeze", there will be little resistance to his future development. If any person can "get under my skin", he will become a leader of people; if a company can "get under my skin", its products will sell well. LWS believes that the ability to sense what others are thinking and feeling is a key ability for collaboration and relationship building. The ability to develop a deeper understanding and respect for each other"s values, cultures, emotions and drivers must be developed to guide the way if technology is to be used to meet human needs. Empathy is difficult to replicate in a machine; therefore, in a world of artificial intelligence, it will be invaluable. The ChatGPT describes "Leaders and Leadership", "Trends" and "Top 10 Skills":

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What kind of people are needed in the Chatgpt era?

How can education be future-oriented now?

How can we train people who will lead the future?

On 12 April, LWSuzhou美高Live will give you the answers.



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